Story of Aislin Kashiki

My life always was a little different from others. I was short, clumsy, and a complete zany contradiction. I tended to enjoy a little adventure, and imagination with anything and everything I did.

It wasn't until I was twelve years old, however, that I began writing as a hobby to relay ideas on script. I always enjoyed storytelling and expressing my imagination through stories. And only recently have I joined in the class of graphic artist and illustrator.

I also enjoyed music since before I could talk. It is the language I understand more than English... so, in light of that, I am learning to play guitar and Scottish tin whistle

Born and raised in Upstate South Carolina. I have a family of five in a small apartment on the westside of our town. We all are very creative, Mum, a bookkeeper and webmaster at her work, Daddy, an artist and woodworker, my brother, Aric, video game & lego builder(also trying to write something), and my sister, Aneira, an artist and dancer. We have two cats, Thorin Beorn-- King Under the Basket, and White Rose the beauty of the duo.

I have been Confirmed into the Anglican Faith, and have a passion for Christ that keeps me in check. There had been a long period of time where I had been struggling to keep above the waves, and some of my old writings do reveal that struggle. I have the dream to help other teens who have struggled like me, with depression and self-harm with the one message all teens normally overlook; "You are not alone."

Personal Interests

Music, Fiction, Warriors, Guitars, Penny Whistles, Scotland, Japan, Creation/Nature, Writing, Drawing, Games, Swords, Hats, Rocks, Insects, Outdoors, Walks, Archery, Psychology, Theology,

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