About Soundwaves of Love

I have always been a dreamer. Many of my dreams and passions I've had put the side. But they all combine together in this passion I've chosen to chase.

Teacher: when I was eight I really wanted to teach. I wanted to help those in special needs classes, comfort them and raise them up the way my teachers did for me.

Dancer: When I was nine I was beginning to gain a passion for motion and music. I desired to reveal to people God's love and mercy and greatness through the worship of my body. during this time I also was passionate about American Sign Language. I wanted my body to say what my words spoke and my mind believed.

Musician/Dancer: Towards the age of ten, I began getting more passionate about music, when I saw my dear friend Mr. Bob in our Charismatic Episcopal church playing the guitar, with his daughter on the viola. That brought up the dream to play a violin, and I began to want to play jigs and reels while dancing it. Still chase this dream.

Authoress: When I was 12, I wanted to be a storyteller and poet and wanted to write stories and poetry that reached out to the world to glorify God's name. Still chase this dream, as you can see.

Creation Historian/Scientist: By the time I was 13, I wanted to teach Creation, like Ken Ham, he was my inspiration. I was constantly obsessing over it. Especially in Astronomy, Entomology, Archeology, and Oceanography. Most of what I wrote about in my first blog was on Creation.

Speaker/Talkshow Host: when I was 17, I began cohosting a radio show with my bestie, Savannah. I didn't like the idea of doing it yet, I felt pressured, but I had always had a hinting desire to speak about what I believed... we even had the chance to speak on Creation!

Psych-Therapist: it wasn't until I was 19 when I considered this path. Because my main focus was to reach out to those who were hurting and I just truly wished to help them.

Well, nowadays, as I said up there, I wish to combine a lot of my dreams. I am waiting on The Lord to make known to me what He wishes me to do, but I am hoping to do this: There are so many people who longed for a new beginning. A new Genesis. A restart. They needed a Genesis 1:3 "Let there be Light!"

A revelation of hope. They needed their formless and empty form to be enlightened as 2 Corinthians 4:6 says:

For God, who said, "Let there be light in the darkness," has made this light to shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ.

I now want Creation to be the secondary to my primary goal... To reach out to the mentally ill, the cutters and the addicts.

Because those children of the shadows, they are made in the Image of God too. Which is a beautiful thing, life is beautiful! And those people tend to be living and believing the lie that they are not beautiful! You are beautiful Crafted by the hand of the One who calls you His beloved. Brokenness leads to Humility and Humility leads to Seeking then Seeking shall lead you to Mission out. Don't ever forget this. I don't care what you've done or where you've been. You are always welcome to come to Christ, that is why I want to reach out this way.

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